You've probably already seen why we're so excited, though: Warhammer Online's March newsletter features all the mouth-watering fobs and doo-dads you can net in the collector's edition. News of the box's official contents dropped today, along with a bit of frustration. The game may be delayed until late in the year, but in the meantime this massive missive has more than enough to tide us over. Highlights from this month's newsletter include:
- Almost all the details unveiled on the official collector's edition site, crammed right there into the email.
- News of a Warhammer Online tie-in to the tabletop game's 25th anniversary! Playing in a Games Workshop store on April 12-13th will give you an insight into the lore behind Age of Reckoning.
- Behind-the-scenes looks at what the Beta players have been up to in the Elven lands.
A developer diary entry on building the Inevitable City. - Part 3 of the Scenarios 101 column, covering the Battle for Praag and the Maw of Madness.
- Career Mastery updates for the Witch Hunter and Marauder classes.
- Profiles for the three Chaos-side leaders, with really great accompanying art! Check out the Greenskin champions, Grumlock and Gazbag, above!
- A rundown the Mountains of Caledor zone.
- A lore prologue for one of the Dark Elf Public Quests, Sildaen of Hoeth.
- A production video features Jeff "the" Hickman talking about the gameplay we'll see in cities.
- An in-game romp through some of the fabled lands of both Order and Chaos.
And of course, much, much more: Beta journal updates, tons of concept art, and Paul Barnett's video blog.
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